Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10th, 2023

We had gone through almost 3 years of pandemic. My hair is not blue, orange, or pink anylonger. It became hard to find a hairdresser who would want to bleach and dye my hair. Those were obscure years. We were not allowed to work, unless it would be from home. How would a retail business be run from home? Crazy times that I wish it had never happened. I went back to therapy due to the confiniment. I got traumatized for being forced to wear masks in public. There are a few crooks that insist to wear mask still. For that, I have no words to comment on this behavior. My job was insanely affected by it. At first, teachers had to "build" their own classrooms at home, equiped with fast internet connection, webcam, and noob teachers (noob in terms of social media plataforms) were forced to lecture via videolessons and learn how to edit, upload, and follow the feedback of these so called "classes". I was not totally lost. I had been teaching online since 2007, neverthless those were different times. My husband played in a important role as he is quite keen on electronics and technology in general. He even started majoring programming which he gave up later on. I was not able to get by without him. Teachers joined forces and we were absolutely just one team. Parents got to know what we go through daily and things got even. I am not the kind of person who like to bring back bad memories, however those were times of profound challenges. Sadly, students who were going through their early school years got disadvantaged learning processes. It is almost impossible to teach how to read and write through a computer screen, especially at such early age. My hope is that we shall never go through such a thing ever again. I may have already mentioned on this blog that I've been working on a mermoir reporting what I recall about those years. Unfortunately, I don't seem to find free time to place effort on this project. I will do my best in making it happen. The only problem is the language barrier. I have started it writing in Portuguese (which is my mother tongue) but I feel so much more confident typing in English. This is a real dilemma of mine. It even sounds absurd yet it is as real as this post. Peace.

Vacation and New Kitty in the Block

Is hope a feeling? Hell, yeah.  Is burden a thing? Double hell, yeah. Since vacation started (there is no accurate date when it ...