Monday, December 2, 2013


Beto and I have been together for 22 years.
I have had this blog for NINE years. It is amazing that not many people know about the existence of this blog. Actually  the vast majority of people I know in person, are not aware of this blog. I have taught so many people and I quite often mention this blog in class, but not many get interested in checking this spot out. 

So, if you are visiting me for the first time, you should keep reading this post. Here, you will find a kind of manifesto of this site, that has to be called BLOG. Have fun!

I intend to post whatever might bring the difference, an extra flavor to everybody's thoughts. Won't let you down in case you wish to read this kind of writing. 

Bullshit, I'll write here whatever I feel like but I'm not a professional writer, therefore you'll find mistakes, awkwardnesses, flaws, and blemishes. Neither turn a blind eye on them nor take me for granted. Report my errors! Lemme know that you are willing to improve this ability in me. 

I am glad that I have been able to keep this blog alive for so long time. My pseudo is a combo of contrasting words HOPE and BURDEN. I don't know how I came up with that but I do know why. Our lives our based on opposite forces, evolved in extreme opposite energies. Life is bipolar by nature. I have got a borderline personality, a mood disorder, and panic syndrome. On the other hand, I have been sober for almost 3 years and have gone vegetarian for almost a year. 

I teach languages, translate, and creative write for a living. 

I am the NEGRO DRAMA. Whoever gets to read this manifesto after I am dead -- I want to point out that this post is being typed on December 2th 2013 and I am pretty much  alive eating a hemp bread sandwich with carrots and chick peas now-- but let's pretend I am dead... Play along with me, you should know you are now alive but I am not. 

"Really?" Maybe your father or your mother isn't alive either. Maybe you have never dealt with the loss of a loved one or you are exactly going through this pain at the moment, you all ought to know that people understand how hard this is being. Neverthless, it is part of the game. LIVE ON! 

I myself might be gone now as well and for real. Think. Internet has CLOUDS so these words have arrived in Heaven before my soul. And if you believe in ghosts, I might be sitting next to you now. Mwahahahaha. 

Many people hope to go to Heaven after they die and meet all the good people they had lost when they were alive. I honestly don't care for that very much. I'd rather stay around and be able to see all those who are alive and even move things over or make sudden noises just to scare people out. I'd crap my pants laughing at them all. 

So if you feel a light touch on your hands, or some whispering in your ear, or even some goozebumps in your legs, arms or in the back of your neck, I might be near. But do not worry, you've found my blog, therefore we are friends and I won't haunt you, unless you copy and paste my material without my permission or without crediting me.

Btw: I am watching you.
Now that you took interest in reading your teacher's blog, or you are an old friend who decided to take a pick on Laila's blog, or you are my loving husband reading every single  word I am typing here -- because I know you, Roberto, you do read my posts, and you will read  them all now that I am dead, or if you are a  total stranger to me  and ran across my blog... To all of you who have read this MANIFESTO all along, we are now committed to help the world become a better place by not stealing creative ideas, on the contraire, we must spread whatever it is fun, cool, magical, informative, amusing, artistic, historical, so forth and so on, but we LINK pages and name names. We live fair and united. 

Love you all.

by Hope Burden

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