Saturday, January 7, 2017

Januaries are scary months

In 2000, I got a car accident.
In 2013, I lost a young student of mine due to assassination.
In 2014, I caught a great friend stealing from my business.
In 2016, I lost my business.
In 2017, the son of a good old friend's killed himself.
It is my birthday month.
Too cruel to my senses...

Aquarius 2017 Horoscope

The 2017 Aquarius astrology shows that the North Node is in Leo, so from May 2017 the emphasis is on learning to enjoy and cherish life and building warm human relations. With the South Node in Aquarius, your Sun sign, this is a time to tone down excessive Aquarian qualities. Excessive Aquarius qualities could be too much independence, too much prominence given to your personal freedom and no respect to the freedom of others, rebellion, and vagrancy. We could say that the nodal axis is suggesting the way forward in 2017 is through heart, rather than detachment, depending on himself rather than on friends and group, learn to be a leader rather than a follower.

“Rebel With a Cause” could be the title of a film based on your life, Aquarius. You’re an individual original. A humanitarian, you’ll put your curious and visionary mind toward the betterment of humanity. Your friends might describe you as inventive, idealistic and philanthropic, but they may also accuse you of being aloof and unpredictable. It’s just that you’re more pensive and intellectual than most, dear Aquarius. While others choose to color between the lines, you’ll find your own box of crayons and an alternative and creative way to get the same job done. Unconventional and progressive, you’ll gravitate toward things that are different and strangely new. With your broad mind and accepting nature, you’re truly a forward thinker — perfect for the new year!

The horoscope 2017 for Aquarius points out that Jupiter is in your travel sector till October 2017, so travel is on your mind this year. You’re eager to see the world and learn from your encounters. Travel experiences may not be life changing, but your perspective will certainly change. You allow yourself to be open-minded to strangers this year, Aquarius, and you’re easily influenced. The stars suggest possibilities for spiritual growth. Internal changes are more important to you than external changes. Family dynamics could affect your belief system. Pay special attention to your health and don’t overexert yourself.

When Jupiter, the Planet of Luck and Good Fortune, moves into your sector of career, in October 10th, good things are bound to happen in your professional life. Make the most of it, Aquarius!

January 28, 2017 really is the start of the New Year for you as a new Moon appears in your sign marking the astrological start of your fresh 12 month cycle. Your new Moon marks the cosmic start of this cycle no matter when your birthday actually falls and also brings in the Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster. Again, the vibe of this year underscores what is already coming into being for you.

Aquarius, take this time to look at what it is you want to achieve in 2017. The seeds of whatever that may be are already contained within you. Very often it is hard to grasp one of the biggest spiritual paradoxes of them all and yet the most simplest: you already have everything you need to get anything you want.

Aquarius, find your singing voice or musical talent and learn how to play a musical instrument if you have a desire to do so. Maybe you have a desire to dance, sing, paint, write or to express yourself in a creative way during transiting Uranus in your 3 rd solar house. Don’t wait, go for it, Aquarius!

Transiting Pluto in Capricorn has been in your solar 12th house since November 28, 2008 . Watch your back because powerful enemies behind the scenes are not to be trusted. On the positive side you have been learning how to protect yourself from those that would if they could harm you or your reputation or covet your valuable possession. You have been learning to become strong in the face of adversity. And because you have been striving to stay fair, abide by the law and keep honest, the angels stay diligent by your side to keep you protected from evil or negative forces.

You are becoming a powerful force to be reckoned with and there are others who are jealous of you, your position and your accomplishments. You are no longer naive to this fact, thus you have learned to safe guard yourself from those who would use you, talk about you behind your back and those who would take advantage of you and your talents or skills.

Because of all the problems, obstacles you’ve had to overcome, minor and major aggravations, setback, or sad events you have experienced, you have grown powerful in self-reliance. You have been gaining in inner strength and getting ready for when transiting Pluto enters your solar sun sign around 2023 . You will have learned how to stand strong and be a powerful force in order to experience a whole new life that is hard to imagine at this time. For now, you may experience some isolation or feelings of loneliness as you take those hard steps to a better future.

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