Sunday, March 29, 2015

5 Things Emotionally Stable People Don't Do

From RelationshipsSpirituality

1. They don’t get offended by other people’s behavior. (Check)

The way other people act and behave around you, is not about you. The majority of people are so caught up in their own lives and their own responsibilities, struggles, and problems, that that the way they effect you doesn’t even cross their mind. They aren’t intentionally being mean or neglectful, they’re just busy, and everyone can be a bit self-centered on occasion. And that’s alright!

2. They don’t get lost in useless drama and arguments. (Not Check)

Being emotionally stable means you don’t have to stay and fight all the petty arguments and battles that are thrown in your face. You have no reason to stick around and respond to people’s rude remarks and pointless negativity. Don’t respond with insults, just walk away and keep your head high.

3. They don’t let one bad day get them down. (Not Check)

Sometimes the worst things can bring you the best places. Just because it seems like your cursed right now, doesn’t mean that’s what the rest of your life is going to be like. No matter how horrible things may seem, you can’t give up. Just because something bad happened, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.

4. They don’t think they’re perfect. (Double Check)

Regardless of what people may think, you can disappoint people and still be good enough. Everyone from Albert Einstein to Michael Jordan and experienced tremendous failure. You’re going to disappoint people in your life and other people are going to disappoint you. It’s not because we’re all heartless, but because we’re human. Don’t expect perfection and you won’t be disappointed.

5. They don’t hate themselves. (Triple Check)

Everyone finds them self drowning the sea of self-hate on occasion. It happens. However, bear in mind, you were not born to feel this way. Some past experience has enforced the message that something is innately wrong with you, and you internalized the lie, accepting it as truth. We need to challenge these false beliefs and bring back our sense of self-respect. It’s going to be hard and it’s not going to happen overnight.

In conclusion: I am far from being emotional stable.  I've gotta learn how to deal with it. That's all.

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