Sunday, April 28, 2013


by Laila Chris Burden

I don't fear my dreams. Fear is when you run away in the midst of the night. I fear the broad daylight. I fear what happened. And I let fear influence my everyday. Fear works on me as I sleep. Fear leads me to tears. It is fear that puts my sanity at steak. It is fear that tells me what to do. Fear that strikes me, some fear with a touch of complexity. I fear for not accepting frustration. It's fear that is taking over my mind. Fear manipulates humankind. I fear what can be unveiled in my DNA. It is fear that holds my life today. Fear is when you’re scared to trust someone. I fear when the sky turns blue. Fear is the feeling of possible danger. Fear is when you aren’t brave. I fear madness, anger, and betrayal. Fear is when you can’t behave in society. Fear is when you are shy, anxious, or bipolar. I don't fear for not having devotion. Fear is when you’re afraid of saying "fuck it." Fear is a dark blue sea. Fear is like ending your career. I fear being lonely too. Fear is like not being. I don't fear hell, though, because hell is an ashtray. Fear is like a dark deep dungeon. Falling like a bomb: my worst fear.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ms. are you? I'm back. I've missed you!


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