Sunday, September 12, 2010

Regan ll

Here it comes a synopsis for a bestseller novel...

"Is it okay what i am about to do here? Maybe. Perhaps. Who knows? My therapist will have to know this. I am so gonna tell her. Definitely. I won't say real names, I won't say where or why, mainly because I don't know the reasons. I will simply announce here that I was a victim of a psychopath last year. I will call this person Regan. This person looks like the little girl from The Exorcist movie, hence the name. It was an obscure experience of having this type of person around.

I am so sensitive to these sort of things that next month it will be my one-year therapy anniversary. In fact, I started writing this post in April this year. So It has been one year and 6 months that I've been seeing a therapist. Therapy has been putting me back on track. I won't tell the whole story now 'cause I am afraid I might faint in front of my laptop. I am not in the mood for details today. But I'll certainly continue this story someday. It won't be pretty. I am warning you. And by blurting out about this horrible experience may help me exorcise this hideous creature off of my head, once and for all.

The day has come.

After reading this post, many will say, "Is that all? I've gone through worse." It does not matter to me that kind of comment because I am not the type of person that is used to dealing with outlaws, psychopaths, and mischievious people all the time. I deal with students. I am a teacher for God's sake. My main goal in life is to do my job in the most proprer way. Well, but then, there was a day that we received a very appealing resume of a teacher to our school. And then this person sent it again and again. It was pretty much obsessive but we did not even notice that. We definitely needed to hire a substitute for Marina, our current Spanish teacher at that time. She was leaving for Argentina (her home country) for good.

The interview was scheduled. Regan missed it. That could have been the first sign. But hubby and I are not a bit resentful so we forgave Regan. Maybe she got a flat tire or her grandmother died. Poor her. Let's try another schedule. Then there was the need for another one. Her dog may have gotten sick. Come on... Roberto and Laila must understand real life situations! Was Regan good for the job? Guess not, but we stuck to the idea. There was the interview (without my presence, of course, I was teaching) and then the teacher's written test. Regan was sent to a room to take our written test, you know, to prove what Regan knows about the language she was going to teach. She spent from three to four hours to finish a four-page test. The test was smeared with white-out but it ended up almost 100% with correct answers. Marina, our previous teacher, analised her pronunciation too and she said: "She's the one!" Marina who had been working for us for 6 years now regrets saying that and so do we.

After Regan had taken her test, I went up to the classroom to clean it up and I could not help noticing that a few kids' stamps were missing from the room. It was the place where Regan was taking the teacher's test. I could not help noticing that a few things such as books, dictionaries, imported games, flags, and many other things started disappearing after Regan began working with us. Some co-workers had personal belongings started to be missing too. She even cheated on her working hours for months. And then we received the worst news: a student was robbed in the school. Who could have done such a stupid crime inside of a small school where everybody trusts everybody? I know the answer. Only a person without feelings.

You might be thinking: "Poor lady, she is a sick cleptomanic!"

I thought of that too. But she started building twisted ideas onto people about me and hubby. She put co-workers against co-workers too. She was machiavelic. She would not show up to many classes. Regan had the habit of changing schedules without announcing the school. She used to get sick and would never bring doctor's prescriptions or statements or whatever these are called in English. At her very first class at our school, she let people sitting and waiting... I remember this day as if it were yesterday. Regan planted the evil seed in everybody's mind. She did what was in her powers and beyond. She wanted more. Regan's students started to believe they were studying in a "damned" school but their teacher Regan was a free-sin spirit. We became the crooks. We were all a bunch of nutjobs. We? Riiiight!

When it was the time to say 'good-bye' to her, then we started worrying what was about to come.

Only a person that works his or her mind through basically reasoning and total lack of feelings is able to do such horrible acts. Only psychopaths are able to trick people into their interest games. Regan is absolutely one. She was fired, thank God. But after firing her, the hell got worse and worse.

She made countless hassling and threatening calls to the school and she even called our co-workers at their homes obsessively on weekends, sometimes in the middle of the week. She deliberately crashed our secretary's car in front of our school. That time was a living hell. What for? We are about to figure that out. She even threatened my husband over the phone, twice. She said in between the lines that Roberto was going to be killed by her boyfriend. What the fuck? True, guys. What was all that for?

Hubby fainted and I had to call an ambulance. Luckly, we had the help of our students. Our students were next to Roberto during the calls which were on speaker phone and those kids got simply shocked. We (students, our lawyer, and myself) had to end up at the police station to report the evil acts of Regan on a Saturday afternoon. We had to do it again on Monday, because on the following Monday another threatening call was made by her own dad. Her dad? Yep. Now, you can see how much I hate telephones. There, at the police station, we found out that she has already been reported and accused of many times for several types of felonies. The guys at the police station said ironically that she was a "regular customer" there. Shame on her! Regan has already been in jail for theft and she has been accused of many other criminal acts that I am not able to name them here with the proper English terms.

Regan is a psychopath.

Unfortunately, there is one person like her among 25 people in the world. This number is scary. I could not believe in this rate at first, but now I am sure it is true. They are everywhere. They can be your neighbor, a co-worker, your boss, or worse, you can even marry one (my sis did... gulp)! I only know I was a victim of one of those. No. Actually, the entire school, including the staff, the students, and all the others related to our school were victims of this "animal." And there are many more out there. These individuals called sociopaths or psychopaths are unable to be cured. They don't see themselves as sick, different, incapable... It is the whole opposite. They see themselves as empowered. They lack pity, respect, gulty feelings. As matter of fact, they don't have any source of idea of what a feeling is. And we get to bump into them and sometimes we end up binding with creatures like them. How is this possible? They are charming, very intelligent and always please you with gifts. They are real life actors. And they become Devil's incarnation when they notice they are busted.

You might be asking yourselves, "Are you sure she was the responsible for those acts?" I understand we could neither catch Regan's act on camera (which we had to install because of the missing things) nor she confessed the crimes. But Regan's files we saw at the police station say for themselves. Why would we start having missing things at school after she began working with us?" And more, "Why have we never had missing things at school after she was gone?" Moreover, Regan has been arrested. Regan has been filed at the local police station many times. Other local schools that she had previously worked contacted us and shared the same stories related to this evil being. Regan lied to us by saying she was a lawyer, besides being a teacher. A teacher, she is. Hubby's sis, who IS a brilliant lawyer for a major firm in Sao Paulo, capital, told us that there is no record of her name as being a LAWYER in any Brazilian state. I rest my case.

I truly feel sorry for Regan's next victims. I hope they get educated on this topic before they become victims, because I was one when I hadn't had a clue about this type of screwed up personality. After going through this surreal situation, I started reading several books and even bought a documentary on this topic. Now, we, at our school, request our teachers to take psychological tests before they get to be hired. It is sad but now this is the new rule of our school. As a result, I acquired panic syndrome because of this event. To my luck, I got to find this nicest therapist who has been helping me recover from this "tragedy." Marina is my psychologist's name. I didn't even notice that "Marinas" have been a major help to me. Marina, the teacher and Marina, my therapist. My therapist has guided me and has been a wonderful support.

The aftermath: Even though I got panic syndrome after this episode, I haven't given up watching psychological-thrillers or horror movies. They are still my fav flicks. I did quit seeing them for a while but later on they were back on my shelves. I even bought a printed copy of "The Exorcist." Regan won't ever be forgotten. I mean Regan from the movie and the book. I like Linda Blair. On the other hand, the oooother Regan is just now deleted and exorcised: "The Power of Christ compels her!"

A: May God be with you.
B: He is among us!"

PS: Isn't this a nice piece of idea for a book? I hope I get to sell it like pie.


  1. hmm didn't know the whole story. Now I understand what you were talking about this morning. Sorry this happened with you/and everyone else involved at the time. Something that happened last week, must have reminded you of this past situation, and gone to your subconscious. I think you are right dealing with the situation and not hiding from it. I wish you luck with this! If you need someone to talk to, I'm around. hugs!

  2. I read this somewhere on the web...
    "So how do you recover?

    First of all, understand that you're not a fool, you were targeted. Sociopaths are expert manipulators. They spend their whole lives perfecting their acts. There are millions of sociopaths on the planet, and each has conned hundreds of people. You are certainly not alone.

    Secondly, get help—the right help. Do not expect your family and friends to understand. No one really understands unless they, too, have been targeted. If you see a therapist, make sure he or she knows what it's like to be involved with a sociopath. Some therapists are excellent, but others really do not understand the trauma suffered by victims of sociopaths.

    Finally, give yourself time and distance. The fastest way to heal is to have No Contact with the sociopath. Away from the predator's influence, the reality of the deceptions will become clear. Even so, you will have to do a lot of emotional processing and grieving. Be patient with yourself. For more information, read Survival and Coping Skills on MSN Psychopath.

    Yes, they exist

    For any normal, warm-hearted person, it's difficult to believe that sociopaths actually exist. How can a person be so cruel? So empty? So evil?

    Furthermore, the predator appears to be normal. He or she is living in your community, working at your company, or going to your church. It's enough to make you lose your faith in humanity. In fact, many victims say they will never trust again.

    Yes, they exist—at 1% to 4% of the population, there are millions of sociopaths out there. But remember, that still leaves more than 90% of the population who aren't sociopaths.

    There is still good in the world. It is possible to recover, love and trust, if you give yourself permission and time to heal."

    Pat, I am healing!
    thanks for your comment.

  3. It is really hard to understand why people like that even exist, and shocking that there are so many of them... but it's good that you're getting better, have faith. Hugs

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about this. But at the same time, I'm glad to know it's over. Hope you're feeling better, that the panic syndrome is slowly disappearing and that everything is ok.

    I was obsessed by that song by Florence + the Machine a while back.


  5. Yep... Things are goin' a little better, Mme. A., thanks to Marina, my shrink!


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