Romantic movies of all times
Hip-hop singers or rappers, especially the ones who dress like they are white
Soccer fans of all ages
Caetano Veloso
Rare, medium-rare, medium, medium-well, and well done liver
Animes from all countries
Am an international language teacher who trades lectures for life.I am also a journalist and a former entrepreneur who lives in Brazil and I could answer any question on these matters. Have a degree in Social Communication and in Liberal Arts. Have also attended Psychology College Courses and I have started a specialization course on Educational management. I read a lot about Chaos theory and Information Science. I offer free language video classes on YouTube: Teacher Laila's Video Classes
The year 2024 started strange. Or it HAS STARTED strange. Not much different from the last few years (since 2020...yeeeew). I had planted in...
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all of these things you hate make me love you a thousand tmes more.