Sunday, February 24, 2008

I've got to stop lying to myself

"Tou beudo, mas tou centrado"
The sentence above was said by an acquaintance while drunk. It is in Portuguese, in broken language by the way. This fellow was found in a drunk state and said that to a friend of mine. The sentence means that he knew he was wasted yet he was able to be centered. Liar, liar. I have drunk since I was 16. I don't drink as much as I used to but I still practice it a lot and for this very reason I know that that quote is a lie. There is no way to be drunk and centered. I have got to cut down on alcoholic beverage intakes. I have got to lose weight. I've got to stop lying to myself.


  1. I need to stop lying to myself as well.

  2. Me too, notice I'm sober right now. heh.


  3. Me, too. You look like Lindsey Lohan in that picture! I put back one too many, I guess.

  4. I am having some cold white wine at 4:50am all by myself... burp!
    Nothing else to say.


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