Monday, October 9, 2006


Love Brazilian accent when people try to speak some "sorta" good street English!
It's way N-I-C-E!!!


  1. I like how she says 'Euro Trash' like it's 'Error Trash'

    'I love Glasgow'...

    to be honest, I'd figured that you were gone from the world, when the old blogspot died and orkut and such, I took you for lost. I am really happy to know that you're still around, really really happy. Thank you for commenting, glad to 'have you back'.

  2. How old do you think she is? She looks to be twelve years old to me!

    Her English was not at all difficult to understand. I have had more difficulty, on occasion, understanding the English of certain rap singers who grew up in the United States!

  3. Hey Gabe,

    I'm right here!!!

    Thanks for the last comment. Your words were really soothing, you must know it.

    And this girl over there? I guess she's in her late twenties. Beer has the power of preserving girls' skin! hehehehehe


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