Saturday, February 18, 2006

I haven't been back yet... Just copying and pasting good stuff

I've found this post on someone else's blog. The author allowed me to publish it here... According to my opinion, some truth about love, divine love, unconditional love, and being loved was said in this text through authentic and clear words. So, it is worth reading it. Unlike it seems, I haven't been back on blogging yet. My life has been upside-down. Too much confusion in this poet's mind. Too much dust piled up on my left shelf. I have got to boost my inner strength and overcome the tempst. God will help me not to forget to write down COFFEE on my grocery shopping list.

"Do you know what it feels like to be loved? Not because you are returning love or because of some kind of exchange, as in “Love me and I will love you!” but just to be loved for no other reason then that you exist. I recently had a conversation with a young lady who has just discovered this. We agreed that it is daunting. There is no expectation, no understanding, no agreement, just love. She keeps looking for the catch and there is none. For most of us, our relationships tend to revolve around agreements, e.g. ; I will live with you if you will live with me and reflect who I am in the manner that I expect. That is how most relationships are. However, when someone says they love you with no expectation of return, that is, or can be, intimidating. It kind of puts you in the position of wondering what is going on. Are they hustling me? Is there something I don’t understand here? And you might look over your shoulder and wonder if maybe this person got the wrong guy/girl. What is funny is that a lot of people will deliberately do something to push the person who is doing the loving away because it just is too much to deal with. And they will do this pushing away quite unconsciously. So what can we do to accept Love in our lives?

The first and foremost step is to recognize that, despite our many flaws - all of whom show up at these moments - we are essentially lovable. This may be the biggest hurdle to get over, that we are loved even though we are quite convinced that we do not deserve it. It has nothing to do with what you deserve and has everything to do with Divine recognition. Something about you stirs an essential response in the person who is loving you and they find it in themselves to acknowledge it. In the case of a spiritual teacher or someone in that category this sort of thing is more or less expected though it can be none the less daunting. When it comes from an individual who is shining the searchlight of their recognition directly upon you personally – well that can be quite uncomfortable.

In the case of my young friend it was almost terrifying. She kept telling me that no one in her life had ever allowed her to be who she is, and that may be key.

People who express love to others almost always do so with some kind of demand. It can be subtle but it will almost always be there. Think about your own expressions. Do you say, “I love you,” with an expectation of hearing it back in return? Do you say it from an overwhelming emotion of deep recognition of the soul of the person before you or is it more in the line of some kind of need for acknowledgment. This can be true even of a mother telling a child they love them, though that does tend to be closer to unconditional. I suspect that, for most of us, any expression of unconditional love has to be preceded by a deep understanding of our own flaws and a willingness to be totally vulnerable with no expectation of any kind of response or return. Which should give us a profound clue as to the true nature of the Divine Being or the Thinking Universe or however we accept the Over soul.

Love & Blessings, Musawwir"


  1. great entry on love. glad you got the permission to share that... it was enriching.

    sorry to hear yourlife has been upside-down. I hope the vail of confusion lifts and you are able to get back to your poetic blogging soon. I, too, have been missing in action of late, and life has thrown me a few curve-balls.

    life is interesting like that.

    but, like the saying goes, if you fall of the bike, you have to gather yourself and get back on. keep going forward. moving on.

    much love to you!

  2. Wow that is great..really great.


  3. Susie,

    I thought so too! Amazingly great!

  4. Very interesting thoughts on love, Laila.

    I wish for you a life full of love, which I suspect you have.

    Did you remember to buy some coffee? I will gladly share some of mine.

    Peace & happy Sunday.

  5. Zilla,

    You are way cool. Of course I'll take your coffee! Btw, let me brew some now. I love blogging having sips of this magical drink!

  6. Oh dear friend.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful mind.
    Speaking of coffee, these thoughts on love are terrific stimulants for people who already know how to love, but perhaps have gotten tired out a bit, as it is an exhausting emotion. Those who demand a return from others are the ones who drain. Do they know they do this? I don't think so. But I guess I'm trying to learn that resenting that fact holds me back from mastering true love myself.
    (I'm chatty today. Sorry about that. :) Trying to keep my mind off Stanley.)


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