Sunday, January 1, 2006

I just wanna know why...

I. How come people get disgusted and complain to waiters that they have encountered a thread of hair in a bowl of soup? What if that hair was washed and conditioned? I bet carrots don't get that well-washed at those places. Don't even get me started with mice... They are just living mammals like us for Christ's sake!!! There are some folks that just love making scenes at restaurants.

II. "Why is your blog called THE PAWNSHOP?" I get this question many times. Why is Laila my name? Why was God named Jehova by the Christians and Jahue by the Jews? Why there have to be reasons for names all the time? Naming anything is very complicated, especially kids. I read once in a celebrity magazine (yeah, right! I read celebrity magazines every now and then... who cares?) So, I was saying that I read once about a Brazilian model who named her baby boy Zion. Wait a minute... Zion??? Was she for real? Why??? OK, now I wanna know why? Some may think it is a pretty name, however in Brazil this name Zion sounds a bit weird and it gets me concerned... No... Not because of the obvious teasing this kid is gonna get at Brazilian schools, but because one day, this boy will meet another boy by the same age with the same name. ...And the model's child will certainly ask "why did your parents name you Zion, just like me?". And his homonymous friend will go, "because that was the name of a drag queen who happened to be performing on a late show on TV at the moment I was being conceived." Now that's worrisome.

III. Why are there still human beings that do not call before dropping by at their friend's? Don't they know that telephones have been invented? Helloooo... It is not science fiction. It is true that nowadays we find paid phones, cordless ones (wow, I even got impressed myself), and cell phones! Maybe those folks don't know how to dial. Let's just face it, OK? How can a person not call ahead to announce they're coming over? Don't they fix breakfast barenaked having only the apron on so that they don't get their tummies burned by drops of hot oil? Don't they get their houses "decorated" with dirty socks, stained underwears, and air balloons made out of condoms? ...or is that just with me? (pause for a deep breath) CALL, dudes! Let me know in advance you're gonna stop by so that I can have reasonable time to toss my dirty laundry in the basket and get some decent clothes on.


  1. Zion? There are some hardcore bad baby names out there. "Moon Unit" is pretty stupid. "Apple" is also horrendous. And some people change there name into things like "Trout Fishing in Quebec"(sadly a true story). The problem with giving homo sapiens free will is that there are some pretty deranged people out there who are as yet not in an asylum. But as long as they're not hurting anyone....

  2. "Moon Unit" deserves a brother "Space Base" hehehehehe!

    Thanks for showing me that human beings can't get enough of being pathetic! Appreciated you leaving a comment. I'll check your spot and hope to collaborate as good as this.
    Laila Chris

  3. This is one of the reasons I love blogging: I get to meet nice people here. I get to learn new words and expressions in many other languages (pig-headed, for example). And most of all, we get to find out that there are mothers out there that would name their babies strange sounding words.
    You know, Shorty? That makes me understand that I am not the worst individual on the planet. What a relief!!!

  4. You are just a rain drop in the ocean of humanity; An ocean which is ultimately just a single tear shed by a god on the day of his birth.

  5. I don't know what you meant by that but, gosh, you're scaring the hell out of me!!!!


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