Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Toe!

I know I said that I'd only return here next year. However, something has happened to me that I needed to register in a post. Those things don't happen every day, so I couldn't miss the chance to type about it... I know it is not really important, but it has been painful.

I remember that around this time last year, I wrote a list of my New Year's Resolutions. I have kept all the same resolutions for this year again, since they are timeless sensed, they will be all true for 2006. I'm on vacation still and don't want and don't feel like posting anything different for now... but hey? I'm typing something here... Too late! I'll say it... It's about my foot... more precisely, my right big toe!!!

Funny that I also needed to talk about PAIN, but my pain has been a lot more physical. I got my right foot toe sprained or twisted, don't know how to describe exactly! Just imagine a foot that was folded in half. That happened while I was trying to rescue Tibby from an imminent death. She could have been slaughtered by the neighbor's dogs. "...what a nice way to start 2006..." i know it! I had to climb up a tall wall that is when the accident happened - bad landing... ouch!

I'm a mix of weird and irresponsible person for this I didn't rush to the hospital... No I didn't do any bandages or rub any medicine on it. I just let it hurt... I did check on the web some sort of tests to find out whether my toe is just sprained or actully broken... so here it is:

How to Know if Your Toe Is Broken:

Trying to determine whether your toe is broken or just badly bruised is sometimes difficult. When in doubt, see your doctor. (how come there are steps to find that out, if only doctors can help? Aie aie aie)


1. Remove your shoe and sock, and feel for any deformity. Gently run your fingers up and down your toe. If your toe feels crooked or lumpy, it's more likely that it's broken than sprained. (My big toes have been crooked since I was born. And now what?)

2. Wiggle your toe. Severe pain suggests the toe is broken. (Wiggle? What the heck is "WIGGLE"?)

3. Listen to your toe while wiggling it. If you hear a grating or popping noise, a piece of broken toe bone may be rubbing against another piece of toe bone. (I've pictured that description, oooouuuch, it hurts more now!!!)

4. Check for swelling. If your toe is puffed up double its size and the skin is stretched, you may have broken your toe. (Gee! If my toe swelled double its size, I think I'd noticed it. It doesn't look that bad, but it does hurt like hell...)

5. Compare your injured toe to the same toe on the other foot. If the injured toe looks shorter or deformed, it may be broken. (Ok, now then I see. It's broken, or it could, may, might be possibly broken... I still don't wanna see a doctooooor!)

6. Check your temperature. Within 2 to 3 hours after a bone breaks, the body's natural defense mechanisms kick in to raise your temperature. A fever above 99.6 degrees F suggests the toe is broken. (I felt it warmer two days ago... no, I won't accept it!)

7. The only sure way to know if your toe is broken is to have it X-rayed. (Oh great! So all the PAIN that I had to go through by taking each step of this test was just a huge waste of time???)

Apparently my right toe has passed all the tests! It's getting fine... I'll be OK!!! Hubby placed some ice on it... That helped! Tibby has thanked me for having saved her life... That also has helped! My brother-in-law sent me some soothing photographs of the most amazing places of this planet... They are helping forget the pain! Later, I'll ask him if I am allowed to post them here. My mom too has done her part. She's sent me a living room set for Christmas as a total surprise. Now, I have more reasons to prostrate my fat body on a comfortable sofa and do absolutely nothing.


  1. I broke my toe 4 years ago, very painful. I went to the hospital, they just said to tape it in place. They can't do much for it anyway. Ouch! foot folded in half! Hope none of the bones in your foot are broken either. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Well... that is a relief, Rain!

    Nothing really can be done... so I feel better now!!!!

  3. You poor thing, darned toes seem to exist to get smacked, cracked and stubbed. Oh and they help us to balance and walk.

    Rest that foot so it can heel properly. Enjoy your new furniture and the rest of your break.

    I tagged you for a meme, please don’t kill me. Hehehe. Answer when you have time, if you want, no pressure. Xxx, Lori

  4. Thanks for the support, Lori. Well, my toe can't do it for now... hihihihi

  5. Ouch! You poor thing! Nothing hurts more than whacking, bending, or landing on your foot the wrong way. Tibby owes you big-time!!

    Stay off that foot and let it heal. Rain is right - not much can be done. I know this first-hand because my hubby is a soccer player... he has had lots of broken toes and many-a-mangled foot!

    Hope 2006 proves to be better...

  6. Yeah Sarah! I didn't know that this kind of wound hurts this bad.

    Thanks for wishing me well!!!

    I feel it gets better each day.

    You all take care in 2006 too!!!


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