Friday, September 23, 2005

reading beckett... not talking, just whispering

I can get a great time by reading Beckett's works. I've found this stupendous description about his writings and for that I just felt like registering them here. Nothing meaningful to my blog. Nothing related to my day... It is only something which is incredible to read and so, let me publish it here!

The farther he goes the more good it does me. I don't want philosophies, tracts, dogmas, creeds, ways out, truths, answers, nothing from the bargain basement. He is the most courageous, remorseless writer going and the more he grinds my nose in the shit the more I am grateful to him. He's not f---ing me about, he's not leading me up any garden path, he's not slipping me a wink, he's not flogging me a remedy or a path or a revelation or a basinful of breadcrumbs, he's not selling me anything I don't want to buy — he doesn't give a bollock whether I buy or not — he hasn't got his hand over his heart. Well, I'll buy his goods, hook, line and sinker, because he leaves no stone unturned and no maggot lonely. He brings forth a body of beauty. His work is beautiful. (by Pinter)

Curiosity fact: I have tried hard not to "msn" that often. I can't quit checking my Orkut page daily. I've not drunk that much coffee like I used to. My ULCER has showed up this week therefore I must cut down on spicy food. Shiiiit - no kebabs for me for a while [;-(]. And my V O I C E???? Man... My voice... My voice is so hoarse these days that I sound worse than Courtney Love after jail. I am having a real hard time to teach because of that. I have to see a speech pathologist ASAP. I need to get focus on my health and on my duties. Frankly writing, I can see and feel improvements regardless.

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