Sunday, August 27, 2017

Wording Sunday

Word/Expression of the Day:

slippery slope argument (SSA), in logic, critical thinking, political rhetoric, and caselaw, is a consequentialist logical device in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect.

PS: Every Sunday I will pick an expression or word in any language, and I will help my blog readers break it to you. It is going to bring discipline to my blogging activities and it will for sure add to our vocabulary background. Quoting a controversial documentary I saw many years ago: "It is time to get wise".

The docudrama is entitled:
"What the "bleep" do we know?".

No drive, no ambition... Just the way it should be

Intense feelings

This influence normally indicates a few hours of unusually intense feelings. This morning you will have a strong desire to know yourself and to experience life largely through the emotion.

This is probably not the best time for work that requires a completely clear and dispassionate state of consciousness, but you will not feel like doing that kind of work anyway.

You will want to engage your emotions in whatever you do, and you will experience a richness of feeling and inner life that is satisfying in itself.

This influence is good for any business matters concerning the general public or for any situation in which you have to appear before the public or a large group.

Otherwise it is not an influence that stimulates drive and ambition.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Well, well, well

I've played with death way too much this year. 2017 has got to end. To me, it is already over. I've had a few suicidal attempts, I had a miscarriage, and then, a few weeks ago, we had a bad, a very bad car accident up on the hills in the south of Brazil. Our car almost fell off a super high rocky cliff. Seriously, my guard angels are there for me, with no jokes. 

No doubts about it, but wishing to die is not on my list anylonger. As simple as that: the end was too close and I am not in the mood to say that I am scared of dying, because I am not. Never been. Never will. I even have a eulogy already written and published on the my side screen posts here on this blog... However, it is not fair to wish to pass away. I am just way overwhelmed on this messy life of mine, but it has always been messy, so who cares?
Dunno where I belong to. 

Dunno if I am doing a good job in life. I just know that in a country where there are more than 14 Million unemployed, I find myself holding five jobs, and apparently I have to consider that as a blessing. In the world where you pray to die and let the psychological pain disappear, God sends you the chance to go, but you actually stay, that is another kind of signal. Dunno.

I am getting closer to have my poetry book manuscript getting done and I will soon (not so soon) be able to have it for real, that is another signal that things are walking straight and head for the right place, wherever there might be. 


Reviewing 2024

The year 2024 started strange. Or it HAS STARTED strange. Not much different from the last few years (since 2020...yeeeew). I had planted in...