Sunday, May 21, 2017


Numerological and Astrological analysis and explanation of the name Goya

Goya means: With a Life Path 3, your numbers are (3, 12/3, 21/3, 30/3). Number 3 in resonance with the energy of optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity, language and communication, good taste, imagination and intelligence, sociability and society, kindness, generosity and compassion.

Number 3 is also the art, humor, energy, growth, expansion, and the principles of exaltation, spontaneity, covered open-minded, synthesis, the Triassic, Sky Man -Earth, past-present-future, mind-speech action proves love by creative imagination, total, performance, encouragement, support, talent and skills, culture, spirit, a fun loving and fun, freedom, search, adventure, exuberance, brilliance, free form, be brave, non-confrontational, open platform, rhythm, passion, surprise, sensitivity, self-expression, kindness and enthusiasm, youth, enlivenment psychic ability, manifested and manifestation.

Number 3 in resonance with the energies of the Ascended Masters and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you to help when asked. The Ascended Masters will help focus himself on the divine spark and others, and to help your desires manifest. They help you find peace, clarity and love inside.

The bible meaning of twelve expresses God’s power and authority, indicating perfection, creative capacity and completeness. Twelve is considered as a symbol of cosmic order. Twelve is significant in our daily lives. It is reflected in the number of months in a year, hours on a clock the members of a typical court jury. Twelve stars were chosen for the EU flag because of its meaning of perfection.

The bible meaning of twelve is that it signifies faith, love. This can be seen in the twelve apostles, two tribes of Israel, twelve stars, twelve tribes of Israel. The number twelve is also highly indicated in the book of Revelations regarding the twelve gates, twelve angels. From the time series, twelve represents a completed cycle and regeneration showing an achievement of experience sprouting energetically. Twenty one signifies harmony and represents the union of Trinity. Biblically, twenty one symbolizes rebellion against God and indicates a new level and disobedient against God.

According to Claude of Saint Matin, number twenty one shows destruction and renewal. Personality: Twenty ones are cheeky and bubbly. Have great potential to overcome challenge and are very analytic in decision making. They are charismatic, straight forward and sociable and encourage communication to improve understanding.

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