Monday, July 18, 2016


Today, Aug. 13th,  you are more in touch with your feelings than usual, and you show greater emotional sensitivity in your interactions with others. It may be good to talk about your feelings with someone today. This feeling quality makes you a good listener. You are eager for input, and you would much rather listen to others than have to take the initiative yourself to start a conversation or make the connection that brings you together. When others talk to you, they will perceive your interest, sympathy and concern. They will realize that you aren't playing ego games with them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


need your voice to relax me
need your pics to dream better
need your words to uplift me
need your tenderness to soften my harshness
need your eyes to see farther than with mine
need your lips to drink the wine of them
need your fingers in mine to feel them shaky
need your tongue in mine to taste your language
need your confusion to see i'm not alone
need your love to love you
need your in-body temperature
need you to need me
need your thoughts to think of you

Teacher Laila Chris, 8:44 am Januar in 2011

Monday, July 11, 2016

PBF won't close on July vacation

A unidade PBF de Presidente Venceslau, SP, não fechará nas férias de julho!
Para novos alunos, Matrículas Online:
*Aproveitem as promoções de Julho nas rematrículas (excelentes pacotes).
WhatsApp (18) 99774-2901

PS: Na PBF, as turmas novas só começarão depois de 15/08/2016.

Reviewing 2024

The year 2024 started strange. Or it HAS STARTED strange. Not much different from the last few years (since 2020...yeeeew). I had planted in...