Friday, December 16, 2011


Alex Stezlur

me: hello
wie geht's?
Alex: guten Morgen!!!!!
me: heite arbeite ich nicht
guten morgen und dir?
Alex: ich arbeite die ganze Zeit...
me: ich kann nicht alles auf Deutsch schreiben
Alex: kein problem, I do understand e.g. english....btw: dein deutsch ist nicht schlecht, Glückwunsch!!!!
me: deutsch is cool to me
i love it. it is my favorite language
Alex: not so cool to me though,
but I appreciate your passion
me: what is your favorite one? if you have any, of course.
Alex: difficult to say, for quite a long time it wasancient Greek...
although this is not a language I SPEAK
me: don't know anything in Greek
Alex: from the spoken ones it was Spanish
til I started studying Icelandic...
but as Icelandic ( or rather the Icelanders have become so boring....
me: really?
Alex: presently I think it´s Estonian
I´ve started recently to learn Estonian...
I had aleady my first guided tours on Estonian here in the museum...
me: i don't have a clue of these languages... don't even know how they sound
Alex: with me as the guide, of course!!
me: it is great that you get to practice the languages you study
Alex: your´re right; regarding the sound, I think it is ancient greek....
if you´re listening to Homer or so in the "original" language (meaning of course a kind of reconstruction, as we don´t have any records from then...
me: been currently taking Chinese and I confess that I am not enjoying much because of they it sounds... written Chinese is exquisite
Alex: greek is like music
at least ancient greek
O.k. a group has arirved, have to go working
me: it must be nice to listen to Homer in Greek
Alex: see you maybe later today, bye!!!
me: nice talking to you
Alex: samn
typing mistake
see you!!
me: c ya
Sent at 7:18 AM on Sunday

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