Monday, November 21, 2011

Back again and again and so forth and so on...

Hey brothers and sisters! I know that there aren't many people who read my blog. I don't blame them because I don't post here regularly. I write in broken English and that might be another reason why people don't find my writings worth being read. Nevertheless, in case there is someone out there, this post is for you. Hey. Wait a minute. There is me. I am the one who reads every single post I type. I am the one who watches my random YouTube videos I share. I've started this spot for no one else, but me. After reading a magazine article on my bio... (maybe you are asking yourselves" Why would she be in a magazine in first place? I am asking that very question too. But there is a reason and it is kind of intrinsic, interwoven, complex and simple simultaneously... don't wanna write about it on this post.) Well, so there was I reading this article on my persona, I figured out that this blog has become anything but my journal. I left it out. I love my blog. I love my writings and my deep thoughts. I was turning this digital diary into anything less of me. I had been distant. I was distant of myself. I don't even know where I had been. I ran into me a couple of months ago and looked at my reflection into the mirror (not literally) and said to myself: THIS HAS GOT TO STOP. And here I am fighting with my warmed up wrists against this HP Pavilion keyboard that is heating not only my members, but above all my heart. I like drawing hearts although this may seem cheesy to my senses. I do have a heart. I've got a big one. My heart is as big as my soul, as the universe itself. I have got to let it pump more than just red and white cells. My heart is enormous and so is my capacity of writing again. I am not sure whether I will get back on writing poetry. I don't know whether I will restart posting college papers (as I am back in school, PSYCHOLOGY is my new major), or I will continue posting random funny or stupid files made by others. I just know that I am back in the blogging business. I might have found my religion. I did find my favorite workout: Pilates. Getting married in Vegas is a huge three-thumbs up. I quit drinking once and for all (my best change). I don't poison myself with anger and panic syndrome that was once mistaken by depression, however depression played a major role in my psyche. Being back here for real (dunno for how long, as I know I will be busier and busier in 2012) will give me the opportunity of a new existence. I am being reborn in me and gettind married to my heart... until death do us apart. Wow! 
Welcome back Ms Burden ;-D
"If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve."  Lao Tzu

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