Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's been years I don't post a webcam photo...

And it has been days I don't post a writing material here. Lemme go pee and I will be back to this typing post. Excuse me. I did not return to the study that quickly coz I got distracted. Roberto was sleeping on the couch while watching the History channel and I needed to stare at him. He even woke up for a second and asked:"What?" and I answered:"Nothing. I was just checking you out." And then he asked:"Why?" I answered:"Because you're hot!"

This guy has been going to the gym every day, including Saturdays. He does Kung Fu and Boxing. He has lost 20 kilos (which is almost 40 pounds) and has been following a strict diet. He has not taken any medicine for diabetics since he started having this workout routine. He is a successful trainer. I wish I could get there. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. I am so fucking lazy for this working out thing. But hey, I have worked out twice a week with a personal trainer and stuff. The "stuff" part is all about seeing a nutricionist.

I have been writing my meal journals to her daily for the last three weeks and I've been getting her feedbacks right away. I am not losing weight. That is for sure. But I am certainly getting muscles and stronger arms. I am so excited about those changes that I am going to get my body tattooed once again. At this time, I am not sure what I am getting. Maybe a Salvador Dali on my legs or something like it. Even Roberto is interested in getting his tattoed done. We'll see.

Today was holiday in Brazil. Down here we celebrate "LABOR DAY" by not going to work. So I didn't have to work and that was a blessing. You know, my sense of blessing. So Roberto and I went to the gym in the morning together. Our personal trainer is so cool. He is a fantastic kid with will power and humbleness. I just love that kind of combination. MY diet has been watched thoroughly and I have got no choice. Carbs are no longer allowed in my diet until I get to eat the 6 meals a day which my nutrionist expects. It is so hard. Everytime I put in my mouth more food than I am used to, it feels like I am getting extra calories... However, I am not eating more, I am eating often. I have to get used to eating small amounts of food but only more frequently. So tough.

I know this not-eating thing is one of the symptoms of anorexia but honestly I would never have that problem because seeking for thinness at all cost is really shallow and stupid. Anorexic folks tend to have that "yew" look and yet they still believe they are fat. What's up with that? Besides, they don't usually carry intellectual content. Anorexic patients are into looks only and I am not that way. But that is just the feeling I am getting to. It is so so so weird. I won't become anorexic for I love FOOD. I just really need to get used to eating more often.
That is all.
Take Care

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