Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last night's dinner: Scrambled Ostrich Egg* and Caprese Salad

*Thanks Lucas for providing us the egg. Not that he had laid that egg (LOL) but because his family has an ostrich ranch and he gave us that huge master piece.

1/2 pound fresh bufallo mozzarella cheese
3 medium ripe tomatoes
Fresh basil leaves
Chopped fresh garlic (1 clove)
Freshly ground pepper
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Balsamic Vinegar at taste

How to make it:
Chopp and crush the garlic clove and add balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt, and olive oil. Peel the tomatoes, slice them and let them marinate. Slice the mozzarela and tear fresh basil leaves. In a semi-circular shape, fix the salad on the side of a serving plate, alternating mozzarella slices, with basil leaves, and sliced tomatoes, overlapping for effect.
Add more salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Pour some more olive oil and vinegar to create a seasoned look.

Schredded mozzarela cheese
Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 diced large Spanish onion
1 diced green bell pepper
Sliced fresh mushroom
Black pepper
Olive oil
1 cup of milk
1 ostrich egg

How to make it:
Chop the onion, mix it with sliced mushrooms and diced bell pepper, season it and put it aside. In a large bowl, crack the ostrich egg (ask for help if it is needed), and beat it and stir it thoroughly adding salt, parmesan cheese, and milk (heavy cream can be also used). Meanwhile, heat butter and olive oil in a pan. Medium heat works fine. Place that mixture in this hot HUGE frying pan (I used a paella pan which was the largest I got at home). And with a silicone spatula, I gently scrambled the cooking egg. When it is almost cooked, it is needed to drag the egg to the side in order to leave some room in this hot pan. Then pour the veggies and let them cook on the side. When the onion is translucid, mix everything gently. Turn off the heat and sprinkle the schredded cheese. Serve it hot.


  1. Oh my. Interesting, but I wouldn't eat it. I'm a picky eater! lol :p

  2. I saw an ostrich egg used on Top Chef. I love the looks of your salad. I might try to make it soon.

  3. I love Caprese, and I would LOVE to try scrambled ostrich egg! How does it compare to chicken eggs, aside from being much larger?

  4. Its taste is subtler and the texture is flufflier... I can't tell you exactly, but I did love it.


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