Friday, July 25, 2008

10 years ago...

10 years ago, I was 12 kilos thinner, my hair was lighter, and my head gazillion times emptier.

10 years ago, I was surrounded by many people: acquaintances, co-workers, and so-called friends, had more fun places to go, and fewer responsibilities.

10 years ago, I lived in an apartment. Now, I live in a school and have a pet cat to look after.

10 years ago, I subscribed to Rolling Stone magazine. Now, I subscribe to scientific magazines.

10 years ago, I dreamed of having babies. Now, I'd be happier if I could adopt 2 more cats.

10 years ago, I lived in a false happiness promoted by parties and drunkenness. Now, I live in a false happiness promoted by work load and drunkenness.

10 years ago, my skin was tanner for I lived in Florida by the water. Now, my skin is as pale as corn starch although I do not live too far from the ocean.

10 years ago, I was 100 thousand dollars shorter but I would spend more recklessly.

10 years ago, I knew to speak only English and Portuguese. Now, I barely know English.

10 years ago, I believed that evil figures would only exist in movies. Now, I know that that was a great deviation.

10 years ago, I spoke softer, cried more easily, and was betrayed way too often.

10 years ago, I would have loved to go dancing at crazy raves. I've never been to one, and don't carry a dust of wish to be in one one day.

10 years ago, I'd drive drunk listening to loud music heading to the closest liquor store. Now, my husband does it for me.

10 years ago, I watched TV in the afternoon and worked at night. Now televisions work fine as a mere piece of ornament in the house.

10 years ago, I read books about art. Now, I read books on the art of teaching.

10 years ago, I'd teach English for beer. Now I do it for airline tickets.

10 years ago, I carried phone numbers in an electronic organizer. Now, I only need E-mail addresses.

10 years ago, I'd vent at a bar table speaking ill of my boss. Now, my associates speak ill of me.

10 years ago, I'd suffer from terrible cramps when I was in my periods. Now, I still suffer from the same damn thing.

10 years ago, I had only one pair of All Stars. Now, I own twelve of those.

10 years ago, I would not exchange a night out for movies and sweets at home. I love movies at home with gummy bears and candies.

10 years ago, I drank coffee for the pleasure only. Now, I need coffee to think, stand up, and lift my arms while I write on the blackboard.

10 years ago, I was ten years younger (wow).

10 years ago, I had lived not long enough to understand that sex and love lie in total different realms.

10 years ago, I used to fold clothes but not ironing them. Now, I neither iron nor fold. I pay someone to do these things for me.

10 years ago, I was Milton's oldest daughter or simply Laila. But now, I am that crazy lady from Sao Paulo, the English teacher, Roberto's wife, Tibby's owner, that person who drives a Subaru, or even "puta" as it was graffited on my school wall the other day, or any other label you would like to give me.


  1. I label you good friend. 10 years ago, I was thinner, with no gray hair and I didn't many things that I know today. I prefer today.


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