Saturday, September 29, 2007


This week has been the one. It was the one, better saying. It is exactly 4:42pm on a Saturday (Sept 29th) so, to me, the past week is officially over. It is weekend call!

The last fifteen days have been crazy busy: I've lectured, thrown three birthday parties, read comps, researched on wackos from Scientology church, fought with my Mom over the phone, cooked, MTVed,YouTubed, dreamed crazy stuff, logged on the web and found this out.

It is an article which says about an old lady filing a lawsuit against McDonald's restaurants because she found live worms in her burger which made her sick and spend over 36,000 in medical bills. The victim is called M**** G***** (not a good idea to leave out her real name here), 70, and has in her records a very blemished past. That nasty bitch was my host mom in the USA -- charges of shoplifting and forgeries in the 60's and 70's? Oh Gee! --. By living with her for 9 months (1998) in Florida, I could tell that she was not an average individual. There were evidences to me that she made her living out of weird tricks. Through internet, I've also got to find out that she died in April this year.

I worked my ass off during the last two weeks (no news). I watched tons of movies with my students for educational purposes (no news again). There were piles of tests and booklets to correct as well. I over-slept. I over-ate. I over-drank. I did not exercise though. Some sort of pain has showed up in my ankles and knees for no apparent reason - would that be from the boxing workout? - Just know that I had to take a break from boxing this week.

I did attend my Chinese course regularly (sorta). My teacher, who was pregnant and all, had to go through a last-minute C-section. Both the baby and the mom are doing well and recoverying from this hectic delivery procedure. That explains why I haven't had the PERFECT ATTENDENCE for the last weeks. But I sure was in my last Friday lecture. BTW, the baby is a sweet healthy girl named Emily.

Three days ago, I dreamed of Siamese cats invading my house and on the day after, there were literally Siamese cats in our yard. I felt like a scientologist because of that very nutty dream of mine. Yeah! Scientologists can achieve supernatural powers when they reach certain levels... That is what they say. I lived miles away from their Clearwater headquarters and had I known more about these freaks back there, I would've definitely dropped by that church and seen for myself how they brainwash people. Speaking of this scary religion, Julliette Lewis has been performing in Brazil. I started reading a lot about her and that is why Scientology came to light. I have known Ms Lewis since Cape Fear came out and never would I imagine her a scientologist.

Only a couple of weeks ago, I got to know her interest in Scientology and that she was raised in that religion. I had already heard of this so-called religion but, last Sunday, I spent the whole day reading more and learning a whole lot about it. All that crap caught my attention a great deal coz I can't get enough of weirdos. I even downloaded that South Park episode about the Church which made me crack so bad.

I don't like the humanity but the strangest folks deserve my time spent on them. I keep saying that I DON'T APPRECIATE AVERAGE PEOPLE. EVERYONE HAS GOT TO BE A LITTLE WEIRD TO BE WORTH THE EXISTENCE ON EARTH. Let's take Chris Crocker at account here, for instance. He hasn't been that famous in Brazil yet, but soon he will. I am so sure about it.

Hey, man!!! That guys is overrating Britney Spears. I don't actually know whether he rocks or totally sucks... I just know that YouTube has brought more joy to my sad and lonely life because of that scary homo. Poor me. I'm so lonely that I needed a youtuber gay freak to cheer me up for the last three weeks. Or maybe he has got something which is worth watching... I really don't know what to say about that. I can only leave here my deepest remarks on Chris's videos related to my personal lifestyle:

1. A HAIR FLIP is not gonna do me any good. And shaking my body like gelatine is gonna help crack my bones and not defeat my depression.

2. I totally agree with this video. Kids DO have to be taught how to cuss not only in their own language but in many other foreign languages so that they would choose the most suitable way to offend people around without hurting their feelings. This way, the person who needed to be offended wouldn't understand the language that would be used.

3. This clip calls much more my attention than Britney's performance on VMA.

4. I also like health food but I wouldn't be that mad because there are only hot daaaawgs to eat at home.

5. What about this clip - A lot of people don't like me either. I keep repeating what my grandpa used to say: "DON'T BELIEVE IN THOSE WHO ARE ONLY LOVED"! A real person cannot be only loved.

It's now past midnight. It's officially Sunday and I assure you all that I didn't spend my whole Saturday off in front of a computer. I did go to the mall, grab a bite to eat, and I also saw a terrible movie at the theater. I ended up going grocery shopping at a fine supermarket as well... And now, here I am back to the computer, sipping some wine, finishing up this post, and later on I will attack a B.M.T Subway which is sitting on the sink of my kitchen.

Is my life that sad just because I care for sickos on the web? Am I the only one interested in watching or reading about Chris Crocker, Scientologists, and "Rate my Poop"? Oh-oh!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Poetry Friday

The Calling
by Robert S. Henderson

I have been called
by that which has always known me better
than I have known myself
if I do not respond to the call
most likely
I will end up somewhere I am not at home
I will be a stranger to my own skin
I will feel I know more than I do
I will not know how wounded I am
I will not know the unseen presence
that has always supported me

but if I do respond to the call
I will need to surrender to my life's meaning

I will find that
enemies are often friends in disguise
bringing out what is inside me will save me from that which can destroy me
the night dreams are connections to what I need to know
the places of hurt are also places of blessing
the right people appear in my life at the right time
the money I have is all the money I need now
in darkness there is a candle
my body is an expression of who I am
asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness
in silence I will find a friend who has always known me
my faith will often be found after I decide to take the first step
my courage will come like the early morning's dawn

My calling will bring me
to a place where God has always been
to an urgency where never again will I delay to live
to music that will take me to my soul
to poetry that will become daily food
to risks that will take me to my heart

To follow my call
I will need to know how to go apart from the crowd
and follow a path others may never understand
I will need to commit myself to my life
settling only when I find it's meaning and purpose
saying yes to my passion
bearing the aloneness of my own authority
and in time finding others who are walking in the same direction.

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's all about me...

I want thoughtful words.
I want a both simple and outrageous post to publish here.
I want cold beer sliding down my throat since higher temperatures have showed up.
I want my voice back since air conditioners have damaged it.
I want stronger arms and thinner legs too.
I want vacation soon to fill up my Flickr with nice pictures.
I want to rest since my life has been based on non-stop work.
I want the smell of cinnamon, vanilla and a touch of cloves.
I want to buy tickets to Jamaica since Ryan Adams DVD has convinced me to.
I want to talk to strangers and complain about the weather there.
I want exotic food and hot kinds of pepper burning on my tongue and stomach.
I want the taste of bitter, sour, and salt in me.
I want buttermilk pancakes for breakfast Wendy's style.
I want greasy ribs too.
I want a parade, launch countdowns, and inner body explosions.
I want the best psychothriller end since Number 23 turned me off.
I want fireworks for no reasons.
I want empty trash cans.
I want long lasting light bulbs too.
I want perfect-fit socks, gourmet jelly beans, and pit free olives.
I want hairless legs, good hair days, and cavity free teeth.
I want the right answers, the right directions, and the right choices.
I want the truth as long as it doesn't hurt me.
I want good mood, good books, and good wine.
I want fine language and in-tune singing.
I want ever growing intelligence.
I want butter pecan ice cream and a chili dog with melted cheese on top.
I want a medieval sword hanging on my wall.
I want the most amazing stories since literature is the only cure for stupidities.
I want the colors of Miró as well since his art work definitely moves me forward.
I want a tougher soul and softer laughters too.
I want easy access in all surroundings.
I want hands, fingers, and mixed salivas.
I want to simmer and I want to boil.
I want to hug the milky way.
I want to sleep tight.
I want to float in my awareness.
I want to never fight.
And in case I have to...
I want enemies who can never beat me.
I want nothing more than a life.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Laila and Vitória...

Whenever you see these two weirdos (down below) passing by: they are Vitoria and Laila. Vitoria and Laila are teacher and student, not respectively. Here, they are at a dinner party having their own private get-together with the dig camera. The student then reports: "This teacher seems like Sponge Bob square pants for her non-stopping laughters." In the end, Vitória should've realized the greatest love towards these students that comes from Laila , and, this love makes her smile, laugh, and even puke. And the student thinks Laila is gonna burst with love. She worries about Laila. In fact, they worry about each other because, a few minutes later, Vitória notices that she loves her teacher as well... At this very dinner event, an annonymous student who is sitting with the girls declares: "We have got to be beyond glad for the fact that she is this way. Laila is one of a kind and for that we are complete."


Laila's crapping her pants now... It was too much love and barbecued chicken.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

my favorite "hobbit" is...

Student of Economic, my favorite hobbit is computing, reading books, doing sport...speak some foreing languages like Frenche and English,
And i'm opened for any discussion. PS: don't you just love digital inclusion?

Reviewing 2024

The year 2024 started strange. Or it HAS STARTED strange. Not much different from the last few years (since 2020...yeeeew). I had planted in...