Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Up there

She's so high
Her head is floating
Her feet are missing
She can touch the hours,
the departures, all exits, and voids...
She can touch lights, welcomings, and arrivals.

She can cut water in slices brought by liquefied bones
And squared deep red, yellow, and blue
pearl eyes arise
And the eyes watch her
Reflect the worst of her
She's so high that
her body trembles in moisture.
As her brain splits open,
a hand sticks a torch in her cranium.
Ashes are left and they do not bother her much
She seems to have better consciousness
but she's still up there
or down in the deep ocean bottom
watching sea snakes and
having salt water invading her nostrils
Her nails grow as she swims
and her teeth are loose
Little dots, slashes, and dashes
dive in this water zoo
Curvy dice does not work fine
on the control of this high.

by Laila Chris


  1. She's so high
    Her head is floating
    Her feet are missing
    She can touch the hours,
    the departures, all exits, and voids...
    She can touch lights, welcomings, and arrivals.

    Sounds like one time when i did acid. (shhh)

    Great stuff, as usual! :)

  2. Well Sass, you've got the picture!!! hehehehe

  3. I agree with Sassy, kick axe work as usual!

    Loved it, she’s a mermaid in my mind’s eye. The visuals are breathtaking and oddly, beautifully surreal. Xxx, Lori

  4. No need to comment on the writing... Goes without saying that it´s excellent (especially that paragraph that Sassy mentioned!). I must, however, comment on the photos! Fantastic colors, great angles! Good stuff... Cheers as always

  5. she soars the heights, plumbs the depths. :-) live every moment like only you can! great piece n visuals!

  6. Lalia Chris is so alive, as the elements, like the water that spawned life! I love it! Photos and words, are brilliant.

  7. oh, I loved this. it moved me. beautiful. and the colorful pictures accompanying it just made it great. I could see this being a song :o)

  8. Gosh guys!!!
    Thank you all for your fantastic remarks on that poem of mine...

    Thanks Lori (Fineartist)
    Thank you Bernardo
    Thanx Phoenix
    Thanks Rain
    Thanks Sarah

    Thanks a million...

  9. May I borrow your scarf?

    *Wonderful. Everybody beat me to it. I've been at the bottom of the ocean, slowed down by the pressure. (I'm stealing from my Isak Dinesen quote).
    You're awesome.

    (I probably shouldn't have been listening to techno music while reading your poetry, eh?)


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