Monday, April 24, 2006

Harry Potter mood

You scored as Albus Dumbledore. Strong and powerful you admirably defend your world and your charges against those who would seek to harm them. However sometimes you can fail to do what you must because you care too much to cause suffering.

Albus Dumbledore


Sirius Black


Hermione Granger


Ginny Weasley


Lord Voldemort


Remus Lupin


Severus Snape


Ron Weasley


Harry Potter


Draco Malfoy


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
created with

Friday, April 21, 2006

Planning on photos

When chatting on MSN with Ange last week, she announced that she might start blogging less often since taking pictures has kept her busy these days. Ironically, I haven't blogged much either for the very same reason. She says she's into this sort of photojournalism mood. Well... in my case, I just don't know whether I am into an artistic mood or simply registering deviant images. I care for taking distorted photos - that is the truth.

I am having a blast with my camera. The only matter, which is just a little hassle and I know I'll get over it, is that I don't get much how my camera works. Yeah... I know technology has turned all the devices pretty much simpler nowadays but I think I prefer the old heavy complicated Yashica and all its lenses that I used to own. Just point, manually adjust, and shoot - just like a gun (hehehe). Actually, I am trying harder to understand this new machine of mine. I may not be getting the best out of it, but at least I know my photos don't stink - according to some friends' opinion.

My other problem is finding themes for the snaps and figuring out my style. At first, I thought I could take pictures of people at specific events or just having fun somewhere but I can't hang out at parties. I have no time for this kind of happenings. Then, I thought of registering nature elements, although hiking isn't pretty much my thing, I'd have to take walk in the woods (and Gee! there are a lot of good places to visit)... but again, time and energy are something I don't have much to spare.

Well, in order to solve this matter I've convinced myself to get focused on urban elements, especially architecture. I've chosen to snap historical buildings since there are plenty in this are. I live and work downtown - closer to the buildings I intend to snap; I definitely should take advantage of this place where I live in. Maybe that is why this assignment has got my attention so bad. I haven't taken any photo yet, but at least I've gathered a few addresses which are going to result in cool pictures for sure. I can't wait to have them ready and post them here.

I went through way intensive days last week. My school received all PBF franchisees of the state for a very important two-day conference meeting. The discussions and the exchange of experiences and new ideas brought us more confidence in the business. By the end of the event, the best part was to come... Our school was pointed as being a reference for the state for its structure, organization, neatness, and our highly trained personnel. We were very touched. It was all that we needed to hear. :-D

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

In my words reside my world. In his words, I travel to outer space

"Not that I was hard of hearing, for I had quite a sensitive ear, and sounds unencumbered with precise meaning were registered perhaps better by me than by most. What was it then? A defect of the understanding perhaps, which only began to vibrate on repeated solicitations, or which did vibrate, if you like, but at a lower frequency, or a higher, than that of ratiocination, if such a thing is conceivable, and such a thing is conceivable, since I conceive it. Yes, the words I heard, and heard distinctly, having quite a sensitive ear, were heard a first time, then a second, and often even a third, as pure sounds, free of all meaning, and this is probably one of the reasons why conversation was unspeakably painful to me. And the words I uttered myself, and which must nearly always have gone with an effort of the intelligence, were often to me as the buzzing of an insect. And this is perhaps one of the reasons I was so untalkative, I mean this trouble I had in understanding not only what others said to me but also what I said to them." by Samuel Beckett, Molloy.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Self-Portrait Tuesday

While playing with my fuckin' camera... awwwe, I copy and paste Phoenix's poem... Loved it!!!

Spewing some...
Fixing leaks, html tweaks
Images appear, once the path is clear

I've got myself a deadline
By the time the light shows
Hope I don't end up flatlining

Roobaroo roshni
Echoing through the walls

I evade, I blog, I flickr
But return thou must to the editor

This is really pedestrian poetry, neighbor's moving furniture upstairs
The heat creeping up
DO I really care?

Words falling over each other, 'don't shove' says one, its a stampede, yells the other.
My head is a glorious mess of loose ends and to-dos.

Telephone rings, a friend, a quick conversation
Rush rush bye-byes

The page waits, stoically.

My tea's getting cold.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

A bit of poetry!!!

... ... ...


by Laila Chris


Do You Even Know What a Blog Is?

You got 1/8 correct!

What the heck are you doing at Blogthings?

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Taking LC 101

1. I'm patient but I have never been patient enough to wait for my hair to grow longer.

2. When I'm stressed out I start getting earlier periods, tons of zitts on my forehead, rashes on my skin, bleeding gums, brown urine...

3. I care for honesty but also for some privacy that is why I normally block myself while typing in blogs. However I let my imagination fly, float, and flow when I write literature.

4. Since last year, I've gained some extra pounds, started drinking sodas again, and the worst happened - got sick and tired of my life style, and I almost gave up everything. This is true, fellow readers. I drive to the borders of my private life sometimes.

5. I have many addictions. I can't control my blogging activities for example. Blogging is definitely the cheapest therapy that was ever invented. Blogging is also the cheapest way to have one's writing published. Blogging is what I am doing right now. My addiction is so taking control over me that I might have ten blogs already. I won't list or link them all here because most of them are not ready yet. Well, I ended up listing some of them later on this post. You guys will see that!

6. I started this post last week (Feb 27th) and I don't think I am going to finish it today (March 4th.)... Today is March 31st... April 1st ... Officially concluded on April 7th.

7. Carnival season is over in Brazil... FINALLY!!!! Just the fact that I was born in this party-like country does not make ME enjoy things that most people from here do. I can't like that. I don't appreciate soccer either, although it is a healthy sport and it is probably fun to go to huge stadiums to see your favorite team playing... ok ok ok, but NO! I simply can't take it. I hate SAMBA, BOSSA NOVA, and modern Brazilian music as well. Actually, there is some music work made in Brazil that I kind of like but that's it.

8. I care for Brazilian literature. Our language is rich, complicated, unique, and it is a wonderful instrument for poetry. This is the thing that makes me proud of being Brazilian - I AM A PORTUGUESE SPEAKER.

9. I am always late in the morning. I can never have my favorite meal of the day because I'm all the time rushing. I miss good old Sunday brunches too. I can never wake up before midday on weekends either. My body has been requiring deep sleep, that is why.

10. I wear skater sneakers, cap, and cargo pants to teach classes. Can't be the classical role model of mentors. It is not my fault that the standard kind of clothing make people look older. I don't wanna look older than I am - sooorry!!!

11. Procrastinating is my motto.

12. Catholic churches frighten me.

13. I've fallen on my back in front of students. I've run over a traffic policeman. I've soundly farted while being the spotlight of a fancy party.

14. Money doesn't attract me. Shopping isn't appealing to me. I don't appreciate getting my nails done, getting my hair cut and don't even get me started on waxing. I hate cleaning, doing the laundry, ironing... I really don't like going to banks to pay bills and hate being stuck among stupid women that only talk about those subjects. Sneezing is something that doesn't bother me much though.

15. I have got more draft posts than actual published ones.

16. My favorite ice cream flavor is Butter Pecan. It's sad that it hasn't been invented facial cream with that smell.

17. MSNing is fun but there are some crazy folks that don't like to talk clearly on that chatty thing. They tend to ask me the same questions million times and to make things worse, they don't identify themselves. What's up with those people...??? ... afraid of typing maybe???

18. I love some words... especially these ones: Void, Mucus, Sellotape, Limbo, Anesthesia, Rodent, Umbrella, Fortuitous, and Blossom.

19. I actually stole this idea of writing 101 thoughts from a blog on buzznet... I can't remember whose blog that was. What a shame! I don't really care about being creative by now. After all, I've been working 14 hours a day for a while. Don't push me, don't pressure me, and most of all - do not judge me.

20. Hope this doesn't sound prejudice, but I completely loathe hip hop, R&B, and RAP... yew.

21. Crazy reckless drivers deserve to die of gonorrhea and burn in hell for the rest of the eternity.

22. I was bit by a dog when I was 12. Perhaps, this is why I am a cat person.

23. I left my parents' home when I was 16. I have lived far from them since then. No wonder I miss their company this bad.

24. I wish I could change this template... I have tried some new ones but not successfully... however, I'd miss this one which I built on my own. I agree with a blogger friend who once said that this template of mine looks creepy but nice at the same time.

25. I used to call "A1 steak sauce" "AL steak sauce"... that font on the label was dubious.

26. I don't think I'm afraid of meeting ghosts and supernatural existences. In fact, I wish they really existed so that I could actually experience them.

27. Morning people could also die... Who would miss them anyway?

28. When I was a kid I used to avoid swallowing gums after chewing them for hours. I thought they'd get stuck at my rectum exit door.

29. Cursing words are so helpful. They amuse me and simultaneously help me release anger. They are great because they sound great. Take some of them as an example: Bitch, Slut, Motherfucker, Bush, Shit, Asshole, and others. But my number one word is FUCK! I love to say:"FUCK OFF!" It's versatile. It can be used in any part of the speech as it had been mentioned in some other site. The F-word shouldn't be considered a forbidden vernacular. It could be said at any moment, by any person, within any situation. Imagine a straight-A student's speech being delivered at the commencement cerimony: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm fucking honored for being chosen amongst so many fucking good folks to give out my deepest words on this so fuckin' special day. Fuck all the losers who didn't manage to get here. We all know how hard we had to work it through. Some may have said - 'you're fucking crazy to go to college!'... But I said: "Hey, I'm no fuckin' idiot... I know can I make it..." And I did. We all fuckin' did!..."

30. My young students are so smart. I get way impressed by their knowledge toward technology matters. They know everything about hardwares, softwares, computer games, internet search tools, virus, and hacking. They really nail how to screw our PCs and files at PBF.

31. New curtains have been installed at my school. Some classrooms and the multimedia room is so much cozier now. I'm typing this post placing an ear-to-ear smile... Just can't control the bliss.

32. I've just now decided to register some of my personal web spots and students' blog that I've been lately kept busy on:
A. Buzznet - My Journal
B. - My blog in Portuguese
C. Blogger - My Students' Spot
D. My Flickr - For posting my photos (I've got camera now!)

33. Gee... can't remove this smile... Woo-hoo!!!

34. Now, my working hours are over. I am free. How I enjoy this feeling that I've accomplished my duties. I drink this cold canned beer with some much pleasure. I'm sitting in front of this computer without shoes on. My feet breathe fresh air. They're both free too. And let me not forget to mention that fart I had been holding for hours... OKay... Greaaat. Relief!!! I'm sorry If I may have offended someone about the farting part, but these folks should know that normal people tend to fart every now and then...

35. Eye drops, nose drops, cough drops... My body is 90% drops.

36. Apostrophes are fun and at the same time they scare me. People overuse them sometimes. Abbreviations are also insane. They help us save time but they also murder our will to communicate. In chatrooms, why can't I just type thoooose loooong sentences filled with enriched verbs and all the letters that are required to compose an entire and true statement??? Why??? Why???


38. People who don't smile, you know, those that never ever smile get on my nerrrves.

39. Do you wanna be sad? Do you really need sadness in your life? Watch this and tell me what else is necessary for the rest of your days...

40. Some possible, breathtaking, and outstanding names for my someday-new-born baby: AVANT GARDE, SOLACE, DESTINY, MAVERICK, BLAZE, DAKODA, CINSERE, DIVINE, HEAVENY, KAYTAQUANA, BUBBA, and NABUCODONOSOR.

41. I was raised in Transylvania. Now, that explains many things.

42. I don't let HTML codes rule my life... Well, sometimes they seem smarter.

43. I wish I could make all my students understand that nothing would be fun if it weren't an obstacle. It's easy to understand but just a little hard to explain.

44. I can't remove this huge smile on me... What the f*ck is going on?

45. I'm not sleepy or tired either - this is just insaaaane.

46. Since I can't bump into those I love, I write them bump sticker messages.

47. I'm just glad I don't read people's mind.

48. But I can hardly ever breathe with this shitty alergy. Heeeelp!

49. I can't wait to get my dig camera... it's coming soon. (As a matter of fact, I'd written this 49th thought two days prior I actually got the camera!)

50. Isn't this post ever going to end???

51. gee, I am getting older.

52. I have been having allergies and non-stop sneezing times for over a month now. Yesterday I woke up with runny nose and today wasn't different. I can't stand this. It's hard to breathe. It's hard to talk. It's hard to have breakfast. I could have those analgesic medicines or just some nose drops, but they'll make me feel dizzy after a while. The best thing is wait and hope to get over it. Maybe I should see a doctor but I hate doing that. I haven't seen a doctor for a while. I hate doctors. Here, in Brazil, they work wearing white - just plain white. Dentists do too. The way they dress and the way they normally treat their patients scare me. My sister is going to graduate in a medical school by the end of this year. She'll have to wear those plain white outfits and probably start talking like the average doctors do. They look like ghosts to me. Hospitals are scary places too. People must walk back and forth quiet there so that they don't disturb their patients. Libraries are calm and quiet places as well but they don't frighten me. Honestly speaking, I love libraries. I get beyond excited in those aisles, in between those tall shelves, surrounded by that smell of old books and silver-fished encyclopedias. And the dusty materials make me sneeze and promote in me allergical reactions. But I won't see a doctor. Hell no!

53. "The bitter tears of Petra Von Kant" = Mint chewing gum to my bad breath

54. Speaking of swear words, here I listed some in French:
// Foutrez vous! / Putain, fait chier, merde, ta gueule / Putain de bordel de merde / Va Te Faire Foutre! / Quel Con or Conne //

55. Pineapples are good even though they worsen my heartburns. On the other hand, coffee does a great job in my mind's need for alertness.

56. My cleaning lady threw away my authentic Japanese chopsticks which were a gift from a former boss. She broke my heart.

57. I was gonna left a blank on this thought because I sometimes have 'out' moments in my brain... It's not really that meditation stuff, it's simply a mental failure.

58. I saw SAW2 for the sixth time this week.

59. Technology excites me.


61. My latest google searches:
@Steve Wonder Driving School;
@How to rub while robbing the elderly;
@Spring Break drunk girls' GPA;
@Asian Backstreet Boys MP3 tunes;

62. Another something I enjoy seeing to get amused...

63. Some words in English language are so much amuzing to pronounce: girlfriend, worldwide, gurgle, gorgeous, granted, Garfield, goblet. They make feel more articulate.

64. "Comment je pourrai vivre sans mon amour, est-ce que la vie va continuer encore ou bien elle va s arrêter à son tour..."

65. While trying to finish this post, hubby saw a stupid driver running over a stray cat. The reckless idiot drove off and the cat crawled to the neighbor's yard apparently with its both back paws broken. (Break to help out the little animal!)*

66. I don't understand phone books and yellow pages in my country. I don't know if I'm the problem or if there is something else.

67. Tuesdays are still my favorite TAG!

69. Is there anyone actually reading this?

70. I've been addicted to GYOZA.

71. My job is the greatest in my opinion. I can't see myself doing anything different. The smile of a child who's just discovered the rules of the world makes me feel grand; it makes me feel living my own life from the beginning all over again.

72. I hate you in many languages:
@ Eu te odeio!
@ Ich hasse dich!
@ Je vous déteste!
@ Yo te odio!
@ Jeg hader dig!
@ Nienawidze cie!

73. I'd like a spider as a pet.

74. Why is the cold weather taking too long to arrive here???

75. Laila's opposite personality would say: "My Dig. Camera has brought me so much joy: taking pictures is my latest hobby for my every free-time. And hell, they are a lot. Yeah... You know, it's hard when we have this sort of life style that must be filled with healthy activities, otherwise I could end up broke because of my uncontrollable shopping obsession. Too much spare time plus too much money and nothing in the head is a deadly combination - Yeah... I've been considering to get a job too. Actually, this job thing is only another speculation. I can't see myself having to wake up early and respecting working schedules... Yew!"

76. Drivel shovel shrivels bubbling babbles.

77. What's the point on saying "GOOD LUCK"??? If we take into consideration that every event has its probability of occurence... Accordingly, Good Luck is defined as the occurence of, out of a set of possible events, one event with comparitively low probability of occurence and yet beneficial to the current situation of the considered subject or event or process. So when a lucky situation happens, it is because it was already supposed to. So how come we still say that in non-possible occurences of luck???

78. Still there? Doubt it!

80. Check these out:
ENGLISH: "The limits of my language mean the limits of the world"
CATALÀ: "Els limits de la meva llengua són els limits del món"
EUSKARA: "Nire hizkutzaren mugak munduaren mugak dira"
ESPAÑOL: "Los limites de mi lengua son los límites del mundo"
FRANÇAIS: "Les limites de ma langue sont les limites du monde"
DEUTSCH: "Meiner Sprache Grenzen sind die Grenzen der Welt"
PORTUGUÊS: "Os limites da minha língua são os limites do mundo"
FINNISH: "Kieleni rajat ovat maailmani rajat"
ITALIANO: "I limiti della mia lingua sono i limiti del mondo"
RUSSIAN: "Predely moego yazyka oznachayut predely moego mira"
ESTONIAN: "Minu keele piirid on maailma piirid"
SERBIAN: "Granice mog jezika su granice sveta"
NORWEGIAN: "Mitt språks grenser er verdens grenser"
DUTCH: "De grenzen van mijn taal zijn de grenzen van de wereld"
MALTESE: "il-limitazzjonijiet tal-lingwa tieghi, ifisru l-limitazzjonijiet tad-dinja"

81. I've been chattin' on msn with some blogger friends: GABE and ANGE.

82. Why does love exist?

83. Why is love called "love"?

84. What's the plan for tonight? It's Friday. It's drinking night. It's movie night... yeah yeah yeah, in my dreams! Gotta work tomorrow. Nevermind.

85. I can't really tell what's my favorite kinda music. However Punk Rock CD's are mostly found on the top shelves at my place. Then Hardcore... Yeah... But no EMO stuff, pls.

86. Hate mornings, hate Sundays, hate liver, hate pressure.

87. Believe it or not... I'm still smiling - Oh so unusual!!!

88. Aie aie... Liposuction would be good these days... Nope. I won't fall for the international media beauty standards. My extra pounds are necessary to make me be whom I have to.

89. Why do we love people????

90. Why do we feel that we have to love people???

91. I procrastinate - true - but at least I get things done in the end.

92. Let me swim in your blood vessels... Well... Maybe you shouldn't because I will clog them.

93. I can't wait to see my faaaaamily.

94. I was wondering if anyone has ever made a list of people he/she would kill if he/she had the chance to... I'm already working on mine:
- My former math teacher when I was in fifth grade. She certainly deserves to die;
- A bully girl from my seventh grade. I won't say her name here because she might read my blog;
- Bush father and Bush son;
- All sales call operators;
- Woody Allen (hihihi);
- Whoever invented cellphones.
Of course I'd kill myself afterwards coz I wouldn't ever want to spend a day in prison.

95. Tocqueville wrote so much great shit.

96. Hope you're reading this with a great soundtrack on the back. If not, here's a good hint for some noise:
"We're as stubborn as mules with our blood on fire
When we ain't at Sunday Mass
We'll look any man straight in his eyes and say
Kiss my Irish ass, you better kiss my Irish ass!"'

97. Some monkeys eat their own shit - "How smart! They recycle!!!"

98. Why is it so good to find out about those who block us on msn? What difference does that make after all? I'm a stupid child inside.

99. This is almost ending... be patient.

99. My voice has been hoarse again.

100. Congrats if you got through this lame possssstA.

101. I love. I love my job. I love languages. I love many folks. I love many things. I love the abstract noun LOVE and the verb too. I had been down because loving this much can't be good at all. However, I'm dealing with better days.

*Later, I'll write more about the cat... It has just now been found.

Reviewing 2024

The year 2024 started strange. Or it HAS STARTED strange. Not much different from the last few years (since 2020...yeeeew). I had planted in...