Thursday, November 17, 2005

Verão, tu cala a boca, ou te cago a pau!!!

About six months ago, I published here a post about Brazilian winter. We did have pretty harsh cold days for some time this year which made me think "this can't be Brazil!". It was awesome.

Being a continental country, it's no wonder to find chilly regions where one should drag down portable heaters or have it installed in each room of the house in order to survive through the season. I even mentioned about this to Bulb in one of our last chats and he got surprised. On his mind, according to his words, there was that stereotypical brazilian picture of a tropical land where girls would walk along with thongs and the sun would shine and heat up paradisiac beaches... something like we'd have summer throughout the year.

I must agree that summer lasts for 6 months in some parts of the nation, instead of 4 which is taught in geography classes. ...but what happens during the 6 remaining months? I can call it a 'slight summer'. The northernmost parts of Brazil do have warm temperatures throughout the year. For those who care for this kind of weather, that would be the best place to be. Not for me. Therefore I've chosen to live not too far from PATAGONIA.(he!he!he!)

To my opinion, the heat of the sun isn't much appealing. Not everyone I know around here will agree to me. It does not matter what the common sense says; I just don't see the beauty of the summer if I don't actually live by the beach. Even if I lived at the seashore, I have always worked so I would not have time to enjoy the water. I am saying this for a fact because I did live in a Floridian beach town for five years (98-2002) and I enjoyed the ocean maybe three times.

OK! So I don't have fun with beaches because I don't really like them. Summer does not suit me because sweating all over is not connected to pleasure according to my senses. High temperatures are not my cup of tea. I despise air conditioners and I am not a big fan of "f a n s". Regardless, "summer-like" weather has arrived. Although my distress towards this season, I confess that last weekend I did relax in the sun. I put on bikinis, stretched my fanny on the floor, rubbed my skin with suntan lotion... oops, I had forgotten to wear sunglasses. Oh well, I did want to look like a raccoon afterwards.

Was I on the beach? Not really. All that happened in the terrace, right here on the back of my house. Wouldn't it be more relaxing if I could be at the beach? NO. The sand, the crowd, the crawling creatures, the lack of bathrooms, the flying insects, you name it... Nah!!!! Did I end up having fun? Probably so, but that doesn't happen all the time. Like I said, I work so I can't lie in the sun every day, and when weekend comes, it normally rains.

I tried to convince me that maybe, possibly, perhaps there would be at least one thing that I may enjoy about hot weather. I failed. I miss the cold days already. It'll take six more months for them to reappear. Ah! ...and one more thing, I concluded that it does not make much of a sense for Brazilian Santa Claus to wear that heavy red coat or climb up chimneys, doesn't it? This is definitely a reverse place.


  1. I agree with you. I spent 2 years in Florida and hated it, only because of the wretched heat. Northeast Michigan is the same. We jump from 3 weeks of spring into a blaze of blasted, confined metro heat. Give me the wind blasts of the Northeast coast anyday. Better still is the Northwest mild weather. In Seattle, the flowers bloom all-year round, not because it's warm but because it mild and tranquil. I'll take me clothes of when the company is right. Call me a city girl, but I don't want my weather to give me a reason to go without clothes.

  2. Hey!
    I am so glad that you got what I am saying... "hot muggy weather sux"!
    Thanks for stopping by,

  3. Laila baby, right now its snowing here. A little more mug wouldn't hurt. But i hear ya.

    now, how come you don't come around no more?

  4. Dear Saucy:

    You have a special place in my liver... Dig ya!!!!

    I am back there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. did i mention how wicked i think you are?

    by the way, shania ain't my speed either. I was stuck for another song that woulda worked. sometimes ya gotta comprimise for the joke.

  6. We are going into winter here. Today we had a bake sale for our going to Europe trip. We froze our asses off. Sorry, but it’s Saturday, my cussing day, and we did, we froze our assess off. We did, however make six hundred dollars for our trip. Rock on with our bad frozen ass selves. Xxx, Lori

  7. @ Saucy: Did I mention how lovely I think u r??? Btw, check my new site:

    @ Lori: U made it! Nice work! You got what you wanted... Now, just head EUROPE. Ah! Before I forget, I needed to answer one previous question you once asked me in your box of comments. You had asked me if I were going to move again...

    The answer is NO!!! I won't, Lori, move my ASS out of this place which is hot in December, it has an awesome party-like mood not only during Carnival, people are multiethnic, vibrant, polite, and it is where I can speak one of the most difficult and yet the most attractive language - BRAZILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL - I love you my home country... Love the fact that I speak PoRRRRRtugês and the fact that our Santa is a blond young surfer who breaks into people's home through the front door wearing nothing but trunks and letting his tanned skin showing... woo-hoo

  8. Dear Laila...must confess...I'm a beach lover. But I grew up in a landlocked area, so the change in scenery fascinates me. We visit my friend on the Carolina coast once a summer. It's the only time she goes to the beach, she confesses every time. Both my children are nuts about the ocean. A woman once watched my son playing an entire day along the beach and told my husband, "That boy's a natural born ocean kid." It made me think we should move close to one, but perhaps an annual visit would be better so that we'll always respect and enjoy it.

    Glad I made it back!

  9. That's all right!!! Many people love beaches and stuff... It is just not my thing!!!!


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